West Coast MigrationJune 26-29, 2025
Sharks, Thought you might be interested in this Phlocking event the Arizona Parrot Head Club is sponsoring!
This event was started by the Long Beach, CA Parrot Head club, then moved to Vegas, then in Anaheim, CA.
There will be live Trop Rock music on Friday and Saturday and plenty of Parrot Heads to become new friends.
For Early Bird discounted Registration, go to:
westcoastmigration.org for more info

Keeping the Party Going!
Registration Opens Soon!!
MOTM is the annual PHiP convention held annually during the end of October. Previously held in Key West, the new home is Gulf Shores, Alabama. It is open to any member of a PHiP Parrot Head Club.
If you are interested, go to www.MOTM.rocks and check on all the details!
Happy New Year!!General Announcements
2025 Renewal Membership is past due. Please submit payment and forms as soon as you can.
Upcoming Concerts at Palm Tree Paradise! Save the dates
April 4th, 6:30PM - Donny Brewer - Learn more about him at donnybrewer.com
November, date to be announced - James "Sunny Jim" White
PACC Donations are accepted at all club sponsored events!
If you have any donations you want to make to PACC, you can bring them to any club event and turn them in. We will get them turned in. Donations are always appreciated!
Special Happy Hour for May!
Wednesday May 14th 4PM Horseshoe Grill on Pantano and Broadway in the bar.
Afterwards we are heading to Gaslight Theatre
Don and Libby Wiley have set up a great event at Gaslight Theatre for our club members! The show is called Beach Blanket Bee-Bop and starts at 7PM. Doors open at 6:30PM. Seats are $23 per person and must be paid for in advance no later than April 20th. Please RSVP Don at [email protected] to confirm and arrange payment. Any tickets not paid for by the 20th will have to cancel out. Sounds like great fun!
March 2025
Happy Birthday!!
Let's Celebrate
March 4th - Lisa Miller
March 7th - Justin Tappero
March 10th - Lori Matteson
March 12th - Norene Norris
March 12th - Finley Tappero
March 29th - Kim Peterson
Saturday, March 8th - Chef for a Day
Our club will be supporting once again this year, Ronald McDonald's House, Chef for a Day program, quarterly. First quarter Dori and Geary will be leading the Chef's team. Their team is in place and ready to create a wonderful meal for the familys staying there. If you are interested in particpating please contact Dori or a board member to get a date reserved!
Wednesday, March 12th, March Happy Hour, 5:00 PM till ?
Bashful Bandit BBQ, 3686 E Speedway Blvd
Join us for our monthly Happy Hour at the Bashful Bandit BBQ. This is our first time trying this type of venue but thought it would be a nice change! We will be on the patio ( they have heaters if necessary), but bring a sweater. Remember to wear your lanyard for an extra raffle ticket. Visit their website to preview their menu at www.bashfulbanditbbq.com
Saturday, March 15th, St. Patrick's Day Party
Hosted by Rick and Judy Nostrand, 4480 S Heather Place, 5:00 PM.
Join us on the 15th for our annual St. Patrick's Day party at Rick and Judy's. Bring a side dish or dessert if you like. BYOB. There will be the usual raffle and silent auction. Proceed's will benefit Ben's Bells. Co hosted by Don and Libby Wiley, and Rhonda Wilke.
Friday, March 14th, House Concert with Eric Erdman
This Non Club event will be held at Russ and Tamyra's Palm Tree Paradise
Save the date if you are interested and more info will be coming soon!
UPDATED TIME! Saturday, March 22nd, Bike Path Clean Up 8 AM
This is our monthly clean up project at Brandy Fenton Park. We will meet at our regular spot. If you are new to this project and want to join us, please contact Dori at 520-440-0822 for more info. We will meet for breakfast following the clean up.
April 2025
Happy Birthday! Let's Celebrate!
April 5th - Jeff Buzek
April 19th - Joy Richardson
April 22nd - Pam Coker
Friday, April 4th,
Donnie Brewer house concert at Russ and Tamyra's Palm Tree Paradise
This is not a club sponsored event.
One of the most talented Trop Rock musicians around today! Check him out at www.donnybrewer.com Address and other info will be shared with you when you RSVP to [email protected]
Saturday, April 5th. 11AM - 3PM
Annual Club picnic at Catalina State Park
Park admission is now $20 per car, for 2-4 people, $10 for 1 person, so car pool if you can.
Donn and Debbie Mouw are hosting along with Stan Rylands and Irene Hill. Hamburgers/Hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates, napkins and silverware will be provided. Please BYOB and a side dish to share. NOTE the new entrance fee's above. We will be in the same Ramada as last year. Maps are available at entrance.
RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected]. Come join the phun!
Wednesday, April 9th, 5PM till ?? Happy Hour
Whiskey Roads, 2290 W Ina Road
This is a new location for our Happy Hour and should be a lot of fun! We have a private room with our own server. Pool tables are available at $1.25 and Happy Hour Menu is in effect 4 -7 PM Be sure to wear your lanyard for an extra 50/50 ticket!
Friday / Saturday April 18th and 19th
Parrrothead/Community Yard Sale at Pam and Bill Carden's home
Friday, 18th in the evening will be the set up and preview. Saturday 19th will be the yard sale. Please contact Pam for more info and to volunteer at [email protected].