Phun Club Events and Fundraisers

Happy St. Patrick's day celebration! What a great time had by all! We had a phun night enjoying friends and great food at Judy and Rick Nostrand's home. A Silent Auction and raffle was held for a successful fundraiser, raising over $600 for Ben's Bells! Thank you to all who donated!

Desert Sharks Parrot head club

We gathered on April 6th at Catalina State Park for a wonderful Spring picnic. Everyone brought a side dish and our Hosts, Debbie and Don, and co hosts Stan and Irene supplied the burgers and hotdogs for a wonderful cookout. What a beautiful day to spend outdoors. We played cornhole as well as other games and had lots of great conversations catching up on everyone's plans for the summer.

Desert Sharks Parrot head club

We celebrated our Holiday Party January 4th once the season calmed down a bit. The party was hosted by Russ and Tamyra, co hosted with Mike and Heather Melton. We had a great Taco bar with all the fixin's. As usual we played phun games and had our annual gift exchange!

Desert Sharks Parrot head club

Our February Happy Hour was celebrated on February 12th, Happy Valentine's Day!! We had a phabulous dinner at Giuseppe's. Of course we had our monthly 50/50 raffle .

Desert Sharks Parrot head club

May 4th was our "Not de Mayo Luau" hosted by Dan and Donna Duffy. We were entertained by Hula Dancers singing great music, awesome food any Luau would be jealous of, and of course our annual cornhole tournament, won of course by Stan and Russ!

Desert Sharks Parrot head club

We had our Cheeseburger in Paradise Party on June 22nd hosted by Dori and Geary. And No, a Monsoon can't keep us down! We survived the rain and wind, and had a great time seeing each other, eating lots of great food, and raising money for HEART Southwest ( Helping Every Animal Receive Treatment). This is a non profit dedicated to helping every animal receive treatment when the owners need financial help.

Desert Sharks Parrot head club